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Fabian Ruffy

Systems Laboratory
60 5th Avenue
New York, NY 10011, USA

I am a PhD candidate in the systems lab of the New York University (NYU) advised by Anirudh Sivaraman. I also serve as the current chief architect and member of the technical steering team of the P4 Language Organization. Part of my work for the P4 organization also involves maintaining P4C, the reference P4 compiler.

Before my PhD at NYU, I was a graduate student at the University of British Columbia (UBC) and member of the Network, Systems, and Security (NSS) lab. Together with Ivan Beschastnikh I worked on all sorts of topics related to datacenter networking.

My general interests center around Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and network programming made possible by languages such as P4. I like to work on topics that simplify configuration and maintenance in computer networks. Correspondingly, I try to advance software practice in computer networks. This includes the use of formal methods, better compiler techniques, the definition of well-defined configuration interfaces, and better testing methodology. In the past, I have also dabbled with Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and datacenter congestion control.

Some talks I have given

September 10, 2024
Milan, Italy
Effective Testing of Programmable Network Devices (PPT)
Politecnico di Milano
March 22, 2024
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Effective Execution Models To Test Programmable Network Devices (PPT)
Distributed Systems Laboratory Seminar
May 24, 2022
p4testgen: Automated Test Generation for Real-World P4 Data Planes (PPT, Video)
P4 Workshop 2022
July 19, 2021
Exploiting the P4 DSL to Find Bugs in P4 Compilers (PPT, Video)
CAV 2021
November 05, 2020
Finding Bugs in Compilers for Programmable Packet Processing (PPT, Video)
OSDI 2020
September 29, 2020
Finding Bugs in P4 Compilers ​(PPT, Video)
Network Programming Initiative
December 8, 2018
Montreal, BC, Canada
Iroko: A Data Center Emulator for Reinforcement Learning ​(PPT, Poster)
2018 ML for Systems Workshop at NIPS
November 13, 2018
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Linux Network Programming with P4 (PPT, Video)
2018 Linux Plumbers Conference

Publications I am involved with


HotNets 24
Incremental Specialization of Network Programs
Fabian Ruffy, Zhanghan Wang, Gianni Antichi, Aurojit Panda, Anirudh Sivaraman
HotNets 2024: Twenty-Third ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks
November 2024, Irvine, CA, USA
P4Testgen: An Extensible Test Oracle For P4
Fabian Ruffy, Jed Liu, Prathima Kotikalapudi, Vojtěch Havel, Hanneli Tavante, Rob Sherwood, Vladyslav Dubina, Volodymyr Peschanenko, Anirudh Sivaraman, and Nate Foster
SIGCOMM 2023: 37th ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication
September 2023, New York, NY, USA
NNSmith: Generating Diverse and Valid Test Cases for Deep Learning Compilers (*Distinguished Artifact Award*)
Jiawei Liu, Jinkun Lin, Fabian Ruffy, Cheng Tan, Jinyang Li, Aurojit Panda, Lingming Zhang
ASPLOS 2023: 28th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
March 2023, Vancouver, Canada
HotNets 21
Snicket: Query-Driven Distributed Tracing
Jessica Berg, Fabian Ruffy, Khanh Nguygen, Nicholas Lee, Taegyun Kim, Anirudh Sivaraman, Ravi Netravali, and Srinivas Narayana
HotNets 2021: Twentieth ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks
November 2021, Virtual Conference, USA
Gauntlet: Finding Bugs in Compilers for Programmable Packet Processing
Fabian Ruffy, Tao Wang, and Anirudh Sivaraman
OSDI 2020 - 14th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation
November 2020, Virtual Conference, USA
HotCloud 20
Multitenancy for Fast and Programmable Networks in the Cloud
Tan Wang, Hang Zhu, Fabian Ruffy, Xin Jin, Anirudh Sivaraman, Dan Ports, and Aurojit Panda
HotCloud 2020 - 12th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing
July 2020, Virtual Conference, USA
HotCloud 19
Jumpgate: In-Network Processing as a Service for Data Analytics
Craig Mustard, Fabian Ruffy, Anny Gakhokidze, Ivan Beschastnikh, and Alexandra Fedorova
HotCloud 2019 - 11th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing
July 2019, Renton, WA, USA
NIPS 18 - ML for Systems
Iroko: A Framework to Prototype Reinforcement Learning for Data Center Traffic Control
Fabian Ruffy, Michael Przystupa, and Ivan Beschastnikh
NIPS 2018 - Neural Information Processing Systems
December 2018, Montreal, ON, Canada
LPC 18
Linux Network Programming with P4
William Tu, Fabian Ruffy, and Mihai Budiu
LPC 2018 - 2018 Linux Plumbers Conference
November 2018, Vancouver, BC, Canada
VNF Chain Allocation and Management at Data Center Scale
Nodir Kodirov, Sam Bayless, Fabian Ruffy, Ivan Beschastnikh, Holger Hoos, and Alan Hu
ANCS 2018 - Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems
July 2018, Ithaca, NY, USA
ICN 2016
A STRIDE-based Security Architecture for Software Defined Networking
Fabian Ruffy, Wolfang Hommel, and Felix von Eye
ICN 2016 - The Fifteenth International Conference on Networks
February 2016, Lisbon, Portugal


VNF Chain Abstraction for Cloud Service Providers
Nodir Kodirov, Sam Bayless, Fabian Ruffy, Ivan Beschastnikh, Holger Hoos, and Alan Hu
ANCS 2018 - Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems
July 2018, Ithaca, NY, USA

Random Preprints

The State of Knowledge Distillation for Classification Tasks
Fabian Ruffy, Karanbir Chahal

Academic Things


SIGCOMM 2023 Tutorial: Designing Networks for Testing Organizer
SIGCOMM 2020 Member of the Artifact Evaluation Committee
ICDCS 2019 Subreviewer
ICDCS 2018 Subreviewer

Teaching Assistant

New York University

Fall 2021 CSCI-UA.0480-062: Computer Networks

University of British Columbia

Winter 2019 CPSC 508 - Advanced Operating Systems
Fall 2018 CPSC 317 - Internet Computing
Winter 2018 CPSC 317 - Internet Computing
Fall 2017 CPSC 210 - Software Construction
Winter 2017 CPSC 317 - Internet Computing


P4 GSoC 2024 Mentor and Organization Administrator
HotNets 2023 Travel Grant Award Recipient
P4 Technical Steering Team 2023-2024 Member of the P4Lang Technical Steering Team
SIGCOMM 2022 Student Grant Award Recipient
Facebook Fellowship Program 2021 Finalist
NSDI 2020 Student Grant Award Recipient